Inner Wave Rolling Through Denver

You’ve definitely heard of a five-piece band from LA… But you haven’t heard this one. Inner Wave rolled into Denver ready to set the vibes. The group brings a sound driven by a thriving bass - like on their track Take 3 off “Apoptosis”- and vocals that remind me of Gorillaz and Tame Impala.

The group’s night at sold-out Larimer Lounge was an exceptional feeling. In fact, looking side stage you could see the supporting acts were still moving like their first night on tour - only weeks after tour started.

An open mind and willingness to float through the music - that’s what you need to bring to the next Inner Wave concert near you. You’ll have to compete for tickets as the continue to sell-out venues, but you’ll have bragging rights before they break it big.

Take 3
Inner Wave

Local: Crêpe Girl

With the tough job of opening up the night at Larimer, Crêpe Girl brought a softer sound that pulled everyone in. Colorado grown, this group knew their crowd and played to it (and the merch is pretty sick, too). Keep an eye out as they play some gigs around Colorado and grow, they’re not to be missed.


Yam Haus at Our House!


Wombats Wombats Wombats